Saturday, October 3, 2009

Gamble House

Today, my friend Jessica and I went to go explore the Gamble House in Pasadena (designed by brothers Greene and Greene, 1908). I was thinking about incorporating wood into my senior thesis, so a professor recommended I check out this place for inspiration and a quick study on joinery and subtle details in wood. In his words, "Everything in this house was designed, all the way down to a nat's ass," and let me reassure you, this is very true. The conscious design decisions are transparent in every single part of the house and furniture with enough elegance and decorum to withstand the test of time.

If you ever have the chance, you should go visit and take the tour- it's only 7 dollars with your student id. I was sort of in love with my guide too, a little old lady with so much enthusiasm to share her knowledge and fun facts about the house. Then we went to go eat tacos. Yes, ladies and gentleman, today was a productive and educational Saturday morning.

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