Thursday, February 25, 2010


Dr. Seuss project: Choose a Dr. Seuss book, and create an object/product inspired by it.
I chose Wacky Wednesday--- because Wacky Wednesday is awesome, and anything goes on Wacky Wednesday.

I was really embarrassed of this project and even cried during the critique, but I like it again, and so I finally acknowledge it's existence. Here is my pencil bag.

the grueling process.

the finished product.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I am my father's daughter.

This was a lamp project I did last semester. Big stress but so worth it.

My first time welding! My dad has a welding company... and it took me 22 years to finally try it. It was actually really fun- and I love the whole welding outfit. I felt pretty badass in it. Future fashion inspiration?

the process

tada! I present you the feather lamp.

let there be light!

SURPRISE!!! pull the cord and watch the lamp transform to a dress. Your excitement for the day. You're welcome.

you can't really tell from the pictures... but the old light bulb was really beautiful.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Candybar Experience

Quick in class morning exercise. Design products inspired by favorite candybar. Go!

candy fell. get it? maybe not. haha



This was fun. Don't judge me. haha